Paintings : Gallery | Portfolio
The Paintings are organised or catagorized in the Links below depending on not just the style/technique used or when they were created but also according to the differnt stages & phases in my life. Over time... my approach, method, style, execution & frequency have all changed with my own evolution & growth. Every single thing affects how I Paint - health, injuries, success, failures, joy, losses, grief, sorrow, rage, regret... all of it. The Paintings are a diary. Art is a journalling method. A record of a life lived with every single bit of highs & lows... every single emotion felt, held & retained at its extreme. Until the Painting releases & diffuses it all away... creating space for the next wave all over again again. Over time... through decades... A Porfolio is a great record of a life lived well...
The Circle has no Side...
Stacking in the Studio...